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- Bond Release Request
Site inspection of water, sewer, drainage, and street improvements prior to release of bonds or letter of credit
- Occupancy Inspection Request
Site inspection of water, sewer, drainage, and street improvements prior to issuance of an occupancy certificate
- Drainage Problem/flooding
Request for engineering investigation of a drainage or flooding problem. To report blocked curb inlets, impassable streets, sewer back-ups, or other hazardous conditions, call the Public Works Department (630/834-8505) 7:30am
- Project Inquiry/Complaint
Questions or concerns regarding current or completed Village construction projects.
- Private Devp Inquiry/Complaint
Questions or concerns regarding current or completed private development projects.
- Filling Complaints
Reports of filling or grading activities which may result in adverse drainage impacts to adjacent properties? Note: A building permit is required to conduct these activities.
- Misc Engineering
Miscellaneous request for engineering information or services.
- Rear Yard Drain Request
Request for Village assistance to correct an existing drainage problem. (See Rear Yard Drainage Program).
- Plan Review Private Development
General or design questions regarding proposed private development projects currently under review by Village Staff.
- Sidewalk Program Request
Request to be added to the list for the Village's 50/50 sidewalk replacement program.
- Street Flooding
Flooding of streets and right of ways due to improper drainage of the storm sewer system
- Collapsed Storm Inlet/Manhole
The failure of any cast iron or steel structure or a sink hole near by a structure
- Storm Manhole Cover Missing
The cover of any structure that is not in place or any cover that makes eccesive noise
- Creek Structure Cleaning
Cleaning of debris grates on Suger Creek to ensure optimum flow capacity
- Swales & Ditches
Cleaning and or grading of ditches or swales that transport water
- Clean Curb Inlet
Cleaning of curb inlets that do not drain properly. Inspection of the curb inlets structure will be completed during cleaning
- Misc Storm Sewer
Work needed to help the storm sewer work effectively
- Street Closed
Any street that is impassable do to street flooding. Barricades will be placed on streets where the avarage car cannot drive safely
- Storm Main Repair
Any needed repaires to the storm sewer system
- Storm Manhole Problem
- Culvert Problem
Flushing and repair of culverts on Village right of ways will be completed by the Public Works Department
- Water Quality Complaints
Notify the Village for further information at 630-834-8505. Village staff to keep log of all complaints and forward to Du Page Water Commission.
- JULIE Emergency Locate
Received through the Julie system for locations of water and sewer for emergency excavations
- Low Pressure
Water division will check service lines, faucets and meters for cause of low water pressure
- Water Main Break
Water bubbling up from parkway, curb or street due to leaking water main. Water division will repair. Notify immediately.
- Water Service Leak
Water bubbling up from the ground in parkway or yard
- New Water Meter
Water division installs a new water meter
- Water Meter Problem
Water division will check water meter if your experiencing any problems
- Hydrant Problems
Water division will check fire hydrant for problems such as leaking or reports of inoperable hydrants
- Water Inspection-project
Inspection of water distribution system for new construction
- Parkway Restoration-water
Repair of parkway following water repair. Restoration is done when weather and time permit
- B-box Work/repair
Water shut off for building broken. Water division will repair or replace
- Turn Water On/off
Water division will turn water off and back on for plumbing repairs. Advanced notice is requested for non-emergency repairs
- Locate B-box
Water division will locate water shut off valve in the right-of-way for plumbing repairs. 24 hours notice required except for emergencies
- Final Meter Read
Water division will read meter when resident moves out
- Verify Read/Check For Leaks
Water division will read water meter to verify reading
- Service Line Problem
Water division will check water service if you are experiencing any problems with water service
- Misc Water
Miscellaneous service requests for Water Division
- Cross Connection Inquiry
Request or inquiry regarding cross connection program. Refer questions to Water Superintendent.
- Add Stone/Grading-Water
Previous water excavation trench requires grading or additional material due to settlement of trench
- Water Sample Request
Water division will collect sample and have lab analyze. These are usually in conjuction with taste or odor problems
- Water Inspection-Private
Inspection water system on private property
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