Drainage Problem/flooding
Request for engineering investigation of a drainage or
flooding problem. To report blocked curb inlets,
impassable streets, sewer back-ups, or other hazardous
conditions, call the Public Works Department (630/834-8505)
7:30am to 4:00pm. After hours notify the Police Department
(911 for emergencies, 630/834-7447 for non-emergencies)
E [index]F [index]
Filling Complaints
Reports of filling or grading activities which may result in
adverse drainage impacts to adjacent properties?
Final Meter Read
Water division will read meter when resident moves out
Fly Dumping
Illegal dumping of garbage and or debris onto village right
of ways
Graffiti Removal
Removal service is provided for residential and commercial
property owners once a waiver is signed. Graffiti is
removed from non painted sufaces only. Please contact the
Police Department at 834-7447
H [index]
Hydrant Problems
Water division will check fire hydrant for problems such as
leaking or reports of inoperable hydrants
I [index]
Lift Station Problem
Alarm condition or reported problem at one of the following
sanitary lift stations:
North Villa
North Yale
Yale & Ridge
Route 83
South Villa
Locate B-box
Water division will locate water shut off valve in the
right-of-way for plumbing repairs. 24 hours notice required
except for emergencies
Low Pressure
Water division will check service lines, faucets and meters
for cause of low water pressure
M [index]
Weed control of rough areas maintained by P.W. Turf is
maintained by Park and Rec. Report property complaints to
Community Development.
N [index]
New Sign
Additional sign needed or new ordinance to be posted
Occupancy Inspection Request
Site inspection of water, sewer, drainage, and street
prior to issuance of an occupancy certificate
P [index]
Plan Review Private Development
General or design questions regarding proposed private
development projects currently under review by Village
Plowing/Salting Requested
Snow plowing operations begin when 2 inches of snow has
accumulated on the pavement of village streets, salting of
village street will take place when conditions exists per
Turn Water On/off
Water division will turn water off and back on for plumbing
repairs. Advanced notice is requested for non-emergency
U [index]V [index]
Water Main Break
Water bubbling up from parkway, curb or street due to
leaking water main. Water division will repair. Notify
Water Meter Problem
Water division will check water meter if your experiencing
any problems
Water Quality Complaints
Notify the Village for further information at 630-834-8505.
Village staff to keep log of all complaints and forward to
Du Page Water Commission.
Water Sample Request
Water division will collect sample and have lab analyze.
These are usually in conjuction with taste or odor problems